Lets work together

Reach out below:

Whether you’re a technique slut looking to take your dance practice to the next level, a passionate sensual movement explorer who’s ready to deepen your connection to your body, an experimentalist committed to discovering who you are as a mover, or if you’re a total newbie intrigued about the magic of sensual movement I’m more than happy to accommodate your desires.

Fill out this form below to start working together 1:1


“Learning from Devyn was transformational in my dance journey. She facilitated an encouraging environment for me to tap into my own sensuality. Immensely grateful to learn from one of the best!” Simone

“You made us feel free to express ourselves and our bodies, and that’s really special because this is not something you can do everywhere. Especially if you are a woman and especially if you are queer. It’s so good to know that there is a safe space for us out there where we can be ourselves and connect with each other. Thanks for that. Grateful for this beautiful experience!" -Arya

“I have taken both dance and tricks classes from Devyn. Her style is unmatched, I learned to really slow down with my movements with music. When leveling up from beginner to intermediate, I felt so intimidated by the skills needed but I truly felt seen and challenged in her classes. Her experience and care for her students is so attractive in a teacher.” Seila